Benefits WebJET LMS

WebJET LMS nizsie naklady a vyssia efektivita

Lower company expenses and more effective online education

Gain control over your employees’ knowledge and benefit from their training. No matter if it concerns internal trainings, new employees onboarding, certification process or OSH, WebJET LMS saves your energy, time and expenses.

WebJET LMS online kurzy

Online courses form everywhere

Do not waste your time and energy organizing courses and renting expensive venues. Move both your internal and external educational processes online and get the most of automated and individual training processes.

WebJET LMS prisposobitelnost

Adjustment to your needs

High level of adaptability gives you more freedom. Together with our other products it creates perfect corporate solution for your company digitalization. Customize the system design to ally with your corporate identity.  

WebJET LMS overeny elearning

Slovak e-learning verified over the years

It is possible to purchase the e-learning system individually or as a part of intranet solution, WebJET NET. Apart from optimizing training and onboarding processes such a solution provides control over employee attendance, personnel and document management as well as management of other areas of your business.

WebJET LMS rychla implmentacia

Efficient e-learning implementation

Years of experience open the door to fast and smooth implementation of WebJET LMS into your company. We will install the program and train your personnel so that you can gain the most of InerWay e-learning solution.


Functions WebJET LMS

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